Wednesday, August 31, 2011

elly jackson normal

elly jackson normal. La Roux: so she is then.
  • La Roux: so she is then.

  • SBik2
    Jun 3, 12:50 AM
    Thanks! :D

    Thanks Anthony! lol You should also make one!

    i would. but cs4 doesnt run well on my old macbook. and plus im not creative enough.:cool:

    elly jackson normal. elly jackson normal.
  • elly jackson normal.

  • bmorris
    Jan 17, 09:03 PM
    the meeting is 7 to 10c?
    so it just started?

    elly jackson normal. Fashbo
  • Fashbo

  • babybanana
    Apr 27, 03:38 PM
    You can use almost anything with a tripod for landscapes, and add in AutoPano Pro if you want to stitch. Macro is a different beast- insects or static subjects? The Tamron 90mm SP Di is a great choice as is the Nikon 105mm, consider the Sigma 150mm macro if you need the working distance.


    Thanks for the swift reply :)
    I tend to do static objects mostly but will occasionally take pictures of the odd insects. But to be honest, I'm not looking for lenses for that until next year when I get some more money. I think that currently I'll be looking lens for landscape for now. Will definitely use pano pro in the future. Been looking at things like that for a while now.

    elly jackson normal. Elly Jackson Normal Hair
  • Elly Jackson Normal Hair

  • joepunk
    Apr 27, 09:57 AM
    You will be fine with the D90 for many years. I personally wouldn't think of a camera/lens as an "investment" as it will not increase in price like a nice painting.

    My personal choice in kit lenses would be 18-70mm and 70-300mm.


    elly jackson normal. Sioux and Michael Jackson
  • Sioux and Michael Jackson

  • asphalt-proof
    Dec 2, 11:48 AM
    I have a 17" iMac G4 that I am looking to sell.
    The specs are:
    17" screen
    1.25 ghz
    768 meg of ram
    80 gig hard drive
    FX 5200 video card
    OSX Panther edition w/ discs
    Apple Pro keyboard, mouse, and speakers
    Couple of games as well.

    The computer is in excellent condition. I bought in mid September of 2003. I have never sold anything on ebay so I have no supporting seller bona fides. I live in NC and would prefer to sell here and would hand deliver. However, I will ship anywhere in US. I will post pics when I get back home (I am work right now).

    elly jackson normal. Elly Jackson Normal Hair
  • Elly Jackson Normal Hair

  • Davewithak
    Mar 26, 01:07 PM
    I'm basically jailbreaking for the multitouch gestures, since I'm on a Windows and can't use xcode.


    elly jackson normal. interview: Elly Jackson
  • interview: Elly Jackson

  • iQuit
    Sep 29, 01:18 AM
    There are usually pretty descent deals on the refurb store and usually not just one, so I am sure if you wait a while longer you will still be able to get a good deal, if not there are always other online stores such as eBay. BTW how much were you looking on spending?

    elly jackson normal. Elly Jackson,
  • Elly Jackson,

  • Lord Blackadder
    Aug 25, 11:27 AM
    Tony Abbott's notions on constitutional monarchy:

    There are some people who believe that any republic would be better than what we have now.
    �Republic or bust� zealots are incapable of perceiving any difficulties. Conservatives, however, don�t change anything lightly.
    Conservatives approach issues with instinctive respect for institutions and approaches that have stood the test of time.
    �If it is not necessary to change� the conservative ethos runs, �it is necessary not to change�.
    �If it ain�t broke, don�t fix it� say conservatives, �and if it is broke, recycle it, don�t throw it away�.

    LOL on several levels. :rolleyes:


    elly jackson normal. front woman Elly Jackson
  • front woman Elly Jackson

  • point665
    Oct 27, 07:49 AM
    In the first picture - theres a white shirted old guy, thats me infront of him (you can see my head right above his shoulder).

    elly jackson normal. Speaking to Elly Jackson,
  • Speaking to Elly Jackson,

  • arn
    Oct 31, 03:02 AM
    recs by date added is now available.

    Note... recs weren't timestamped until recently... so your first batch of recs, if dont before I started timestamping them may not be in any particular order.



    elly jackson normal. Elly+jackson+la+roux
  • Elly+jackson+la+roux

  • arn
    Sep 12, 01:41 AM

    elly jackson normal. Elly Jackson of La Roux
  • Elly Jackson of La Roux

  • ReanimationLP
    Dec 16, 10:54 PM
    Well, if you also part it out, how much for the case/PSU/mainboard and whatevers left?


    elly jackson normal. Elly Jackson#39;s Quiff
  • Elly Jackson#39;s Quiff

  • sysiphus
    Mar 31, 01:29 PM
    Wake me up when they lose the #1 title. Besides, all the cable news channels are crap here. From Beck's nonsense to Chris Matthews getting a tingle up his leg with Obama, I've found little worth paying for. Dropped cable last year, and haven't missed the news channels a bit. (All I'm left wanting is coverage of my local MLB team).

    elly jackson normal. biggie that Elly Jackson
  • biggie that Elly Jackson

  • reberto
    Dec 10, 12:41 AM
    Price lowered to $450 on PC. If I can find them, I have a unopened copy of Quake 4 and The Sims 2.


    elly jackson normal. Elly Jackson, the visible half
  • Elly Jackson, the visible half

  • Jasonbot
    Apr 16, 12:33 PM
    Mine is Bliks3m, just Bliksem with a 3 to be "1337" It's basically a slang word in afrikaans

    bliksem - strike, hit, punch, also used as an expression of surprise/emphasis (rude, considered by many to be profanity) Derives from the ancient Germanic god Blitzen "lightning" and is used together with "donner". Is used as a curse in Afrikaans "Jou bliksem!"

    Just getting some creativity working...

    elly jackson normal. single elly jackson.jpg
  • single elly jackson.jpg

  • Lord Blackadder
    Sep 7, 09:28 AM
    he said he wants to stick it to the french... can't blame him i suppose... and i don't think he'd come back unless he really knew he could win again...

    It seems to me that the French generally don't have issues with Lance, but there is a small (yet vocal) minority that is very anti-Lance. I guess the French don't have much tolerance for Texans... ;)

    To be honest I'd like to see if Ulrich can win again post-Lance - he was always a great sportsman and his rivalry with Lance (while a bit hyped) was very entertaining to watch.


    elly jackson normal. Elly+jackson+normal
  • Elly+jackson+normal

  • BigBeast
    Apr 23, 07:56 PM
    Just check Apple's site here:

    This will tell you the status of your AC. If it's not correct, call Apple and tell the your sitch.

    elly jackson normal. frontwoman Elly Jackson is
  • frontwoman Elly Jackson is

  • chiefroastbeef
    Mar 11, 09:59 AM
    It is very frustrating that Apple still has not fixed this in 4.3, I want to backup/view photos on my ipad!!!

    elly jackson normal. or Elly Jackson as she#39;s
  • or Elly Jackson as she#39;s

  • nomad01
    Sep 21, 06:38 AM
    The Maxtor in my PM sounds like a hamster on a wheel compared to my nice, quiet Seagate.

    Heh heh. Free pet sounds like value for money though. :-)

    I'm looking at buying from and the user reviews on there for the WD and the Seagate both seem pretty good so I'll get one or the other.

    Thanks for the input.


    Apr 27, 12:55 AM
    When you took the screenshot, the shot screen loads in a new Preview window. Press CMD+A, then CMD+C to copy it.
    Or use the shortcuts listed here (

    Ok, thanks.

    Apr 17, 11:17 PM
    If there's any advantage to paper books, it's that you can take it places anywhere and don't need a computer. I had a job where I took books with me and would read when it was slow.

    This is not much of an advantage, esp with iPads and other readers.

    All my reading right now is eBooks! Easier to have several books open to cross-reference stuff too.

    Yea, for the most part, I'm rarely in a situation like that, but I had considered that. I'm looking at this option: I'm willing to test this first with programming books, which I generally don't read away from a computer anyway. Then I'll decide if I want to move to ebooks exclusively.

    For my programming books I use ebooks for being able to search, and access them from my various machines. Its also easier to have them on my screen beside where I am coding.

    That was a major reason the ebook option appealed to me, easily portable and searchable.

    Mar 23, 04:48 PM

    A lot of us are in a similar situation.

    1) There are tons or remote tools. You can SSH using putty to get terminal access. You can use Logmein or Bomgar for a remote control solution. The best option is a good VNC client(mac has a VNC support enable it in sharing). I haven't found one I like but i'm using a mac as my primary so it doesn't really matter.(If you find a good VNC client let me know for my co-workers.

    2)You have much better scripting in Mac. You can use BASH scripts, Perl scripts or Apple Scripting. Way better than BAT files.

    3)There are various options for giving you group policy options. Macs don't have Group Policy but have MCX or Managed Client Setting for OSX. Extend your AD schema(you can google it), you can get an apple server and build the Magic Triangle or buy a third party mac management solution. There is also some goodies coming in Lion that may solve your problem if you can be patient.

    Hope this answers your question.



    Oct 25, 09:33 PM
    I'll be at the ardmore store with my girlfriend! I'll be the long haired hippy looking teenager. I should get a paper with my macrumors user name on it and take it to my shirt!

    Or maybe just a sign that says macrumors on it so we can meet up with each other.

    What time would be a good time to start waiting outside, I want to make sure I get a shirt.

    Jun 11, 12:22 PM
    when your the ceo of ceader point can i get free tickets? please :D

    Sure... I'll give everyone in these forums free tickets to Cedar Point and run them straight out of business... :p ;)

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